The Incredible Melting Man

The Incredible Melting Man is a 1977 American science fiction horror film about an astronaut whose body begins to melt after he is exposed to radiation during a space flight to Saturn, driving him to commit murders and consume human flesh to survive. Written and directed by William Sachs, the film starred Alex Rebar as Steve West, the antagonist of the title, alongside Burr DeBenning as a scientist trying to help him, and Myron Healey as a United States Air Force general seeking to capture him. It has been described as a remake of First Man into Space 1959.

During a space flight to Saturn, three astronauts are exposed to a blast of radiation which kills two of them and seriously injures the third, Steve West Rebar. He is next shown unconscious in a hospital back on Earth, with bandages covering his face his physician, Dr. Loring Lisle Wilson, cannot explain what is happening to West or how he survived the blast. After the doctor leaves, West awakens and is horrified to find the flesh on his face and hands melting away. Hysterical, he attacks and kills a nurse Bonnie Inch, then escapes the hospital in a panic. Loring and Dr. Theodore Ted Nelson DeBenning, a scientist and friend of West, discover that the nurses corpse is emitting feeble radiation, and realize Wests body has become radioactive. Nelson believes West has gone insane, and concludes he must consume human flesh in order to slow the melting. Nelson calls General Michael Perry Healey, a United States Air Force officer familiar with Wests accident, and the general agrees to help Nelson find him.West attacks and kills a fisherman in a wood, then encounters and frightens a little girl Julie Drazen there, but she escapes unharmed. Nelson tracks West by following his radiation trail with a geiger counter, but only finds his detached ear stuck to a tree branch, not West himself. Perry arrives by plane, and is picked up by Nelson shortly thereafter, they visit the crime scene where the fishermans body was found. Sheriff Neil Blake Michael Alldredge suspects that Nelson knows something, but Nelson tells the sheriff nothing because Perry earlier told him information about West is classified. Later that night, Nelson returns home to his pregnant wife Judy Ann Sweeny, who tells him that her elderly mother Helen Dorothy Love and Helens boyfriend Harold Edwin Max are coming over for dinner. On their way, however, Helen and Harold are attacked by West in their car, and he kills them both. ........

Source: Wikipedia